Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

Press Centre


20 November 2020

Chemical complex of Russia: Group of companies Titan publishes information on the state of the air 24/7

3 November 2020

Russian Ministry of Industry and Trade: Situation with medical oxygen in Russia is under control

23 October 2020

“Omsk-inform”: Titan presented its environmental projects at the international forum

15 October 2020

All-Russia Public Organization “Delovaya Rossiya”: 25 companies of Delovaya Rossiya have been included in 500 biggest country corporations rating

17 September 2020

All-Russia Public Organization “Delovaya Rossiya”: Delovaya Rossiya held an expert session on industrial greening at ChemiCos-2020 exposition

22 July 2020

RUPEC.RU: the GC Titan has finished equipment installation at the cumene and isopropyl alcohol production facilities

22 July 2020

Business Russia LLC: Mikhail Sutyaginsky spoke at the Innoprom session on the chemical industry

2 July 2020

“Noviy Omsk”: The AO GC Titan employees voted for the country future

11 June 2020

SEZ “Moglino”: The working meeting of the Pskov region Administration and the AO GC Titan company management took place

10 June 2020

“Delovaya Rossiya”: The Tyumen cluster got the high expert assessment from Mikhail Sutyaginsky

9 June 2020

Omsk region Government: Alexander Burkov visited the sites of the special economic zone “Avangard” and discussed the flagman projects with the anchor residents

9 June 2020

TASS: Gazpromneft, Titan and Osnova-Holding will become anchor residents of the Omsk SEZ

5 June 2020

Business Russia LLC: Alexey Repik and Mikhail Sutyaginsky spoke on the Russian economic recovery at the meeting of All-Russia People's Front

3 June 2020

Rostov region Government: The Don enterprise delivered antiseptics to the charitable foundation and orphanage

29 May 2020

Omsk Administration: Omsk industrial enterprises and project organizations will celebrate the Chemist day

29 May 2020

Business Russia LLC: Perspectives of low-tonnage chemistry were discussed in Business Russia

27 May 2020

Rostov region Government: The Don enterprise upgrades the production

20 May 2020

RUPEC.RU: Omsk enterprise Titan GC increased the rubbers production by 50% per quarter

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