Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


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Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

LOCOLIT grease for roller bearings

LOCOLIT grease for roller bearings

It has been developed for roller and ball bearings of axleboxes, cassette bearings, axial-bearing suspension of traction electric motors and traction gearboxes of freight and passenger locomotives, railway multiple units and axleboxes of freight and passenger cars, roller and ball anchor bearings of traction electric motors of freight and passenger locomotives and railway multiple units.

It replaces the lubricants BUKSOL, LZ-TsNII (U), LZ-TsNII, ZhRO, ZhRO-M, ZUM and others, surpassing them in characteristics. It possesses a long life period and allows to reach the rolling stock mileage equal to 1 200 000 km or 10 years (for rolling stock, which repair frequency is fixed in years).

Product name        LOCOLIT grease for roller bearings
Designation according to DIN 51502 КР1, 5Р-50
Colour Light brown
Operating temperature range, °С -50...+150
NLGI grade 1.5
Penetration of mixed grease (60 double strokes), mm/10 285-305
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil at +40°С, mm2/s 180
Kinematic viscosity of the base oil at +100°С, mm2/s 15
Dropping temperature, °С 270
Critical load, N 980
Weld point (tests at a four ball wear test system) at +25°С, N 2800
Wear index (tests at a four ball wear test system), mm
Corrosion degree (roller bearings, distilled water) 0-0
Oxidation resistance, pounds/inch
•after 100 hours
•after 500 hours

Flow pressure at -40°С, Pa•s max 1440

Types of Transportation

Rail freight car
Cargo GAZelle

Types of Packaging

Barrel (180 kg)
Bucket (18 kg)

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