Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


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Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

Wheel and rail contact greases

Wheel and rail contact greases

The greases are used for the wear reduction of wheel and rail systems of railway vehicles and hoisting mechanisms.

Product name        NOVA KR-000 NOVA KR-00 NOVA KR-0 NOVA KR-1
Thickener Lithium soap
NLGI 000 00 0 1
Basic characteristics Smifluid special water-resistant railway grease designed for the protection of wheel pair flanges and rail from wear. The grease is applied on wheel flanges and side face of rails using on-board, track lubricators, as well as mobile rail lubricators.
Oparating temperature range is from -50°С to +100°С.
Semifluid spescial water-resistant railway grease designed for the protection of wheel pair flanges and rails from wear. The grease is applied on wheel flanges and side face of rails using on-board, track lubricators, as well as mobile rail lubricators.
Operating temperature range is from -40°С to +120°С.
It is used in cylindrical and planetary reduction gearboxes and motor reduction units operating with maximum specific engagement loads of up to 2000 MPa, requiring the application of high-quality reduction gearbox lubricants with a long service life.
Operating temperature range is from -35°С to +120°С.
Dropping temperature,°С, minimum
---- ---- ---- 120
Penetration at +25°С with stirring (60 double strokes), 0,1 mm, within the limits 445-480 390-440 345-385 300-340
Mass fraction of water, % Traces
Corrosion arrack on metals Withstands
Effective viscosity, at -40°С and at average deformation rate gradient 10 s-1, Pa•s, max 800 900 1200 1500
Tribological characteristics on a four-ball friction machine at (20±5)°С:
• weld point (Рw), N, min
• critical load (Рc), N, min








Conformity to regulatory documentation
Company's Standard STO 17321872-010-2017

Types of Transportation

Rail freight car
Cargo GAZelle

Types of Packaging

Barrel (180 kg)
Bucket (18 kg)

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