Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

Thread greases

Product name ORION 111         ORION 112       
Thickener Lithium soap
(Pl, Zn, Cu)
Lithium soap
(Pl, Zn, Cu)
NLGI 0; 1; 2 1; 2
Friction coefficient 1,2 1,3
Brushing at -40°С Applicable by brush Applicable by brush
Operating temperature range, °С -45...+180 -40...+150
Basic characteristics It's designed for sealing and pressurizing rounded and buttress threads of conductor and tubing pipe connections of any diameter during operation under a high pressure. It is suitable for normal and cold-resistant pipes, as well as for H2S and СО2 corrosion-resistant pipes. The grease can be applied manually by a brush or spatula as well as via an individual lubrication system. It's designed for sealing and pressurizing rounded and buttress threads of conductor and tubing pipe connections of any diameter during operation under a high pressure. It is suitable for normal and cold-resistant pipes, as well as for H2S and СО2 corrosion-resistant pipes. The grease can be applied manually by a brush or spatula as well as via an individual lubrication system.
Conformity to the performance property category  ISO 13678/APl 5A3
ТР ТС 030/2012
ISO 13678/APl 5A3
ТР ТС 030/2012

Types of Transportation

Rail freight car
Cargo GAZelle

Types of Packaging

Barrel (180 kg)
Bucket (18 kg)

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