Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

Press Centre


1 December 2023

Vedomosti: Total volume of oil and gas chemical projects with VEB.RF participation exceeded RUB 10 trillion

1 December 2023

TASS: 1200 jobs to be created in Omsk thanks to investment project

27 November 2023

Rupec: Resins live in hope

20 November 2023

Omsk News: Group of companies Titan, Omsk region and Investors Association “Breakthrough” have entered into a Cooperation Agreement

30 October 2023

Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia: Employees of AO “Omsky kauchuk” were awarded in honor of the company's birthday

23 October 2023

AiF.Omsk: First stage results from a national project were summed up at Titan-Agro

30 September 2023

Omsk-Inform: Neftyanik-Titan wins the first game in the season

29 September 2023

AiF.Omsk: Brazilian player joins Omsk basketball team

21 September 2023

Omsk Union of Journalists: Omsk Eco-School for Modern Media was presented at the forum of modern journalism "All Russia-2023" in Sochi

15 September 2023

Rupec: GC Titan may double the capacity of future polyisobutelene production

15 September 2023

Omsk Union of journalists: Participants of Eco-School for Modern Media visited a nature reserve in the north of Omsk region

14 September 2023

Polymer Materials: GC Titan is considering the possibility of increasing the capacity under construction for the production of low-molecular-weight polyisobutylene. A new facility with the capacity of 10 000 tones is being constructed at AO Omsky kauchuk

12 September 2023

Avangard: Chairman of the Board of Directors of GC Titan Mikhail Sutyaginsky spoke at Eastern Economic Forum about the development of inter-sectoral cooperation within the industry

1 September 2023

Omsk State Railway University: Ceremonial mass meeting in honour of Knowledge Day

30 August 2023

Omsk-Inform: The third intake training of Eco-School for Modern Media started in Omsk

24 August 2023

MK.RU: A new industrial park for pyrolysis production will be constructed in Omsk

24 August 2023

AIF: “Omsky kauchuk” is preparing for the winter season

18 August 2023

OmskInform: Omsk basketball team changed its sponsor and name

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