Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


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Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

24 August 2023

AIF: “Omsky kauchuk” is preparing for the winter season

The “Omsky kauchuk” plant, which is part of GC Titan, is actively preparing power engineering facilities and infrastructure for the upcoming autumn-winter period.

One of the important preparations for the winter season is pressure integrity testing of the main and internal heating systems - this will ensure reliable operation of the heating system in winter.

Also, shut-off valves and calorifiers will be replaced, and heating points will be flushed. These works are aimed at improving the technical condition level of the energy facilities infrastructure.

Every year before the cold season, employees of the thermal power plant (TPP) of "Omsky kauchuk" plant carry out repairs of the main and auxiliary equipment. Within preparation for the heating season, the company's TPP carried out partial replacement of heating surfaces and boilers refractory lining. In addition, the division continues to overhaul the turbine generator and to upgrade the boiler unit: 2 line pumps were purchased, as well as a thermal imager to identify defective sections of line components.

Sergey Ivanilov, General Director of "Omsky kauchuk", noted: "Traditional winter preparation has already started at the plant, including the thermal power plant, to ensure stable operation of all the plant's subdivisions in the cold season under conditions of high loads and expansion of steam consumers and heat network users. I should note that the own natural gas-fuelled thermal power plant appeared at Omsk Kauchuk in 2005 and made it possible not only to reduce energy dependence on external sources, but also to significantly reduce economic costs".

Thermal power plant of "Omsky kauchuk" is one of the most important subdivisions that supplies the company's workshops. The plant has an installed capacity of 36 MW for electricity and 415.5 Gcal/hour for heat energy.

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