Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

Company history

Key Events of 2022 year

June 2020

The development of the Special Economic Zone «Avangard» was discussed at the platform of the Group of Company «Titan». The event was attended by the Governor of Omsk region Aleksandr Burkov, Deputy Prime Minister of the region Dmitry Ushakov, heads and specialists of the relevant ministries, Mayor of the city of Omsk Oksana Fadina.

April 2020

The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia updated the lists of the country’s systemic enterprises by publishing the list of 246 organizations covering 15 branches of industry. The Group of Companies «Titan» retained its position in the list as a strategically important enterprise for the country.

March 2020

Due to the coronavirus pandemic, Novocherkassk Lubricant Production Plant LLC (NZSM LLC) developed the formulation of antiseptic agents and reoriented existing industrial facilities for the production of antiseptics.

February 2020

Novocherkassk Lubricant Production Plant LLC (NZSM LLC) developed the new product - a universal fluid for steering booster systems and hydrostatic drives. It is intended for domestic and imported passenger cars and possesses high protective properties.

January 2020

With the participation of Denis Manturov, Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation and Aleksandr Burkov, Governor of Omsk Region, a ceremonial event was held dedicated to launching the phenol and acetone production facilities at «Omsky kauchuk» plant.

November 2019

In honor of the 30th anniversary of the Group of Companies «Titan» a friendly match between the teams «Titan» friends» and «Hockey Legends» took place which included Olympic champions and champions of Russia.

October 2019

The grand opening ceremony of the Laser Technology Center – an enterprise providing services for laser processing of parts was held.


Installation of the scheme for fine cleaning of propylene for the needs of  «Poliom» plant was completed at «Omsky kauchuk» plant.

September 2019

Mikhail Sutyaginsky, head of the Group of Companies “Titan” presented the transport greening program at the EEF-2019.

July 2019

A transalkylator which represents the key equipment arrived to the cumene production facility reconstruction site.

September 2015

Mikhail Sutyaginsky was included in General Council of Russian National Business Association «Delovaya Rossiya» («Business Russia»).

July 2015

«Poliom» plant's site was visited by Dmitry Medvedev, Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

June 2019

Novocherkassk Lubricant Production Plant LLC (NZSM LLC) received the approval for the usage of its products at the railway networks of one of the largest transport companies in the world - Russian Railways OJSC.

June 2015

Feed Mill «Pushkinsky» with the capacity of 125 thous. tons of products per year was opened.

April 2019

The first equipment for the cumene production reconstruction was received by «Omsky kauchuk» plant.

February 2019

Agreement on Ecological Partnership was signed by the PJSC «Omsky kauchuk» and «Poliom», Ltd. with the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Omsk region.

June 2015

As part of the 19th St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, Mikhail Sutyaginsky took part in the meeting of Russian Industrialists with the President of Russia Vladimir Putin.

November 2018

District stage of the competition «Crystal Heart of Siberia» was won by the Kind Titan program in the Corporate Volunteering nomination.

April 2015

Retail trade network was opened by «Titan-Agro» Ltd.


The GC «Titan Group» was recognized as the winner of the Best Russian Exporter of 2013 contest under the auspices of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation in the nomination «Industry's Best Russian Exporter to the CIS countries» in its industry.

May 2014

Agreement on the creation of a joint venture at the premises of Omsk Polypropylene Plant («Poliom», Ltd.) was concluded between the Group of Companies «Titan», Gazprom Neft, and SIBUR.

July 2018

The millionth ton of products since the production start-up was released for sale by the Poliom plant.

March 2014

Phenol-acetone production was shut down at «Omsky kauchuk» plant because of an emergency.

July 2018

Youth Assembly of the JSC Gazpromneft-ONPZ dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the Russian Chemical Workers Union was won by the Titan team.

March 2018

«Poliom» achieved the capacity of 25.7 tons of polypropylene per hour, which enabled the plant to produce over 210 thousand tons of products per year.

February 2014

Technological equipment of the slaughter hall was tested prior to the start-up of the first phase of the Meat Processing Plant  «Pushkinsky» (Titan-Agro)..

March 2018

Investment projects of the GC «Titan» were included in the shortlist of the best projects in the Siberian Federal District as part of the project «Drivers of Growth» of the All-Russian Political Party «United Russia».


New facilities for the production of high-octane additives and the processing of liquefied petroleum gases were created at «Omsky kauchuk» plant.


The GC «Titan» was first recognized as the largest investor of Omsk region; the relevant Badge of Merit was presented to Mikhail Sutyaginsky, head of the company.


Construction of a feed mill and pig-breeding complex was launched.

November 2013

The  GC «Titan» became the leader in the nomination «Best Producer of Environmentally Efficient Equipment» of the competition «Green Development – Evolution Awards» established by the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation.

February 2018

The 18th Russian National Competition «Engineer of the Year» was won by the employees of  «Omsky kauchuk» and «Poliom» plants.

Декабрь 2015

На заводе «Омский каучук» начат выпуск опытно-промышленных партий товарных латексов по усовершенствованной рецептуре.

January 2018

«Poliom» plant was recognized as the most efficient enterprise of Omsk region at year-end 2016..

April 2013

Official opening of Omsk Polypropylene Plant.


Qualifying shareholding in the PJSC «Omsky kauchuk» was acquired by the Group of Companies «Titan».

Декабрь 2015

На заводе «Полиом» проведена пусконаладка установки осушения (рекуперации) отходящих газов блочного типа PK-502, которая позволяет возвращать в процесс полимеризации около 300 кг пропилена в час.

Декабрь 2016

Нефтехимический промышленный кластер Омской области, в который входят АО «ГК «Титан», ООО «ИНВЕСТХИМПРОМ», ПАО «Омский каучук» и ООО «Полиом», включен в реестр промышленных кластеров Минпромторга РФ.

January 2013

Central air compressor station was commissioned at «Omsky kauchuk» plant.

November 2006

Management system conforming to the requirements of ISO 9001, ISO 14001, and OHSAS 18001 international standards was introduced at three enterprises of the Group of Companies «Titan» («Omsky kauchuk», «ECOOIL», and JSC GC «Titan»).

September 2017

Product portfolio of the GC «Titan» was expanded by acquiring Novocherkassk Lubricant Production Plant..

Декабрь 2015

ГК «Титан» была удостоена благодарности мэра Омска Вячеслава Двораковского за вклад компании в развитие социальной сферы города.

June 2017

«Titan-Agro» Ltd. underwent the certification audit of the integrated management system of quality, environmental protection, and occupational safety and health for conformity to the requirements of international and national standards in mixed feed production and sales.

July 2012

The first 300-ton production batch of the new highly ecological grade of green butadiene-alpha-methylstyrene oil-extended rubber was produced by «Omsky kauchuk» plant.

April 2006

Titan-Severo-Zapad LLC carrying on the wholesale and retail trade of petrochemical products is being registered in St. Petersburg.

Декабрь 2017

Специалисты ПАО «Омский каучук» отгрузили тестовую партию синтетического каучука в гофротаре.

March 2006

The Joint-venture «SILICIUM KAZAKHSTAN» for the production of metallurgical silicon was created in Karaganda (Republic of Kazakhstan).

April 2017

The JSC «GC «Titan» received the Employer Compliance Certificate and became one of the region's best companies in occupational safety.

January 2012

The renovated unit for deep hydrocarbon processing was started up, where the production of high-octane motor gasoline components was launched.

Июль 2017

«Омский каучук» осваивает выпуск еще одной марки товарного синтетического бутадиен-стирольного латекса – БС-85.

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