Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

7 February 2022

Ministry of Industry of Omsk region: The AO GC Titan increased its tax payments in 2021

The AO GC Titan enterprises, registered in Omsk region, reported on tax payments made in 2021. The total amount of tax payments increased by 32.7% compared to 2020 results and by 52% compared to 2019 data.

Tax payments made by the AO GC Titan to the budgets of all levels and non-budgetary funds exceeded 2.5 billion rubles. More than 1 billion rubles of this amount were transferred to the federal budget. About 680 million rubles were transferred to non-budgetary funds.

The AO GC Titan can make higher tax payments due to the increase in production volumes at the AO “Omsky kauchuk” plant.  Particularly, the plant has launched IPA production as part of the comprehensive testing of the corresponding unit. The production of synthetic rubber has become more effective and the efficiency of the workshops for phenol and acetone production has been improved.

Source: Ministry of Industry of Omsk region, 07.02.2022


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