Omsky kauchuk

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Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

10 March 2022

Ministry of Industry of Omsk Region: Omsky kauchuk increases energy efficiency of isopropylbenzene and isopropyl alcohol production

Installation of removable thermal insulation blankets for shut-off valves and protective fittings of steam pipelines is being completed at outdoor IPB and IPA units and in areas where heating electric cable is laid. More than 1400 blankets have already been installed. In total, the project assumes the installation of 1600 blankets.

Shut-off valves and protective fittings (gate valves, taps, pipeline filters) are the hardest area for installation of insulating materials. It is the fittings that are the source of thermal loss if there is no insulation. This equipment requires permanent access for revision and repair so it is pointless to install irremovable insulation.

“We have chosen the most efficient solution for such areas - removable heat-resistant blankets which significantly reduce heat exchange with the environment and fasten with Velcro,” Vladimir Podgorny, head of the IPA and IPB production shop, explained. “They can be easily installed and uninstalled, and they are reliable and their service life is at least 7 years.”

Besides, thermal blankets protect workers from hot metal.

The supplier of the equipment is a special Omsk company. The products are made to order from several layers of polymer materials and glass fabrics.

Fabrics for thermal blankets have good heat-insulating specifications; they are non-flammable and resistant to the substances that are used in the production - benzene, cumene, isopropyl alcohol and oils.

We would like to note that thermal blankets are installed not only on the fittings. There are about 50 special blankets with a heating cable that are supposed to protect EC&I installed at the outdoor units against freezing.  

Source: Ministry of Industry of Omsk Region, 11.03.2022


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