Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


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Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

13 April 2020

Ministry of economics of Omsk region: The new power efficient cooling unit will be installed at the AO “Omsky kauchuk” plant

The preparation for installation of two screw compressor units Grasso is in process at the AO “Omsky kauchuk” plant (a part of AO Group of companies Titan). They are parts of the new cooling unit, which increase the  повысит reliability and energy efficiency of the organic synthesis production and all the enterprise.

The new cooling unit uses the modern technologies, which allows reducing the electric power consumption. It is expected, that the economic effect from this unit will be several tens of millions rubles per year, as well as the reducing of the cooling agent and the cooling water consumption has great environmental friendly effect.

Company GEA is the supplier of the unit equipment including pumps, liquid separators, receivers, electrical equipment, control panels, fittings and EC&I.

Compressors were delivered to the enterprise site in March 2020. Screw aggregates 7,5 tons each with the power control system has high cooling capacity and reduced vibration level. To produce 1 Gcal of cold, they need 40% less electrical power, than the operating equipment.

Plate evaporators and air cooled condensers are parts of the new cooling unit too. “This is the first time, when we use this type of evaporators in our section, – explained the Head of the Cooling Section Alexander Suvorov. – The coolant and the cooling agent moves inside separated lines in these evaporators. It provides the maximum cooling effectiveness in a compact size”.

In turn, the 12-meter V-shaped air condensers allow generating cold in winter without turning on the compressors, and due to the use of the latest generation blowers, they have a reduced noise level during operation.

We should note, that the design, which based on the use of the low temperature potential of environment for reducing of the electricity power consumption during the cold seasons of year protected by patent: in April 2015 AO Group of companies Titan purchased the utility model patent for a refrigeration unit.

The unit will be launched up to end of 2020.

Source: Ministry of economics of Omsk region, 13.04.2020


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