Omsky kauchuk
petrochemical production
production of lubricants
mixed feed and meat
9 March 2022
In 2022 Omsky kauchuk plant - one of the largest enterprises in Omsk – celebrates its 60th anniversary. While reading these pages you will learn a lot about employees’ working days, and how much rubber you need to make a tire and why working at the plant is interesting and prestigious. In the first spring month we interviewed Deputy Head of Electrical Shop Elizaveta KRYUCHKOVA. Being charming and delicate she is almost the only one woman among workshops heads at the plant.
– Elizaveta, is the electrical shop you work in a big division?
– Yes, the shop is rather big. More than 160 people work there. Our tasks are different – electricity transportation from external sources, ensuring the operation of plant networks and substations, service and repair of all electrical equipment at the enterprise. My position is called Deputy Head of Electrical Repair Shop and I have held it for a year now. I supervise about thirty specialists. Firstly, the mechanics team responsible for maintenance the building and facilities and for operation of electric forklifts used at rubber production. Secondly, electrical repair shop that repairs both mechanical and electrical parts of high- and low-voltage electrical motors.
Our work is significantly important. Electrical motor is “a muscle” of any pump or compressor. Electrical motors can weigh up to several tons.
– Are electrical works only for men?
– In general there are about 20% of women working in the workshop. They perform their duties in every section of our workshop – for instance in the operational service. In the electrical workshop women are responsible for work that requires assiduity and accuracy. It is very difficult even for men to lay a thin wire line in several layers when it comes to repairing the motor winding.
– What is it like to work at such a big industrial enterprise?
– It is quite easy for me. I have enough knowledge and experience. Our team is really strong and united. You can ask any specialist for qualified advice. When I got this job, my colleagues helped me. Being an experienced employee now, I answer questions from young colleagues. I have hundreds of acquaintances at the plant. I always communicate with workers from many workshops because of my duties. Besides, I communicate with people from Plant Youth Board and members of labor union organization. In other words, I feel at home when I am at Omsky kauchuk.
– Do you read articles about the plant in magazines and social networks? What is your attitude to this information?
– I am subscribed to Titan's social network pages and read everything that Omsk mass media and bloggers write. Of course, I am offended to hear that they try to blame our enterprise for problems with the air condition in the city. We work at the production and we know better (unlike those who comment or analyze) which substances are here and which are not. In case they say a blatant lies I and my colleagues will be ready to argue because we love our plant.
– Are people of the plant special?
– Sure. They are sociable, benevolent and ready to help. People support each other even when they take part in plant competitions. We are like a single organism and I think this is our advantage. In the workshop we try to maintain this team spirit. When new young employees come we offer them to join our camping trips and corporate sport competitions. At first sight you might think that today young people are less sociable, initiative and active, but this is not quite true. Talk to them and they will become more open. Our traditions rooted in 60 years also help to go through an adaptation period: employees always celebrate Chemist's Day and Plant Foundation Day on October 24, men and women congratulate each other on Defender of the Fatherland Day and International Women's Day.
– Why did you decide to work here?
– My parents are employees of the company with a lot of experience. My mother is retired, but my father still works. I did sports when I was young and when I had to choose between sports and fundamental education I listened to my parents’ advice. So I was enrolled in the specialty "Industrial heat power engineering" in Omsk State Technical University. When I graduated from university and finished my postgraduate studies I started working in the electrical shop. I still remember my first day: it was amazing to see so many people at the entrance. Then I was amused by the scale of the site and the size of the units.
– Is it difficult for a woman to manage a men's team?
– I started “managing” not at once. I have gone through several career posts. Firstly, I was an electrician, I was taught by my colleagues. I have learnt a lot from my mentor - senior master of the electrical repair workshop Taras Frolov. He explained everything clearly and was able to show how things are done. If I was right during an argument he agreed with me. Repairing electrical motors is not just a number of simple actions. Each part requires its own approach.
When I was promoted to the position of master, I did faced some kind of distrustful attitude from the men's side. So I had to prove my knowledge and skills. And I did it. Then I was promoted to the position of head master and finally I was offered the position of Deputy Head of Electrical Repair Shop. I still have to improve and gain experience. I understand that I am responsible for an important sector and do my best not to let my colleagues down.
As for the specifics of working with a men’s team, it so happened that I have always been among men: while doing short track and studying at the university (there were only 5 girls among the students of my specialty). That is why it is easier for me to work: I see a difference in behavior and in the way of thinking between men and women.
Authority must always be earned, and nothing but professionalism can achieve this. I am constantly learning in theory and in practice: I have completed a one-year additional training in the profile program "Power supply of enterprises" at OmSTU, I regularly improve my qualifications.
– What is an active life position? Do you think you have it?
– An active life position can be defined differently: for some people it is caring attitude to the world around them, for other people it is an ability to act to reach their goals and success. I agree with the both definitions: it’s always been important for me to show my best qualities, study well, work efficiently and take part in social life and prove that I can do more. For example, I had a fear of going to a stage. I took part in a beauty and talent contest at the plant to overcome this fear: I prepared, rehearsed and won. The most pleasant thing is that my colleagues supported me.
– Does your beauty help you or become an obstacle?
– Personally for me it helps (smiling). Let me explain. What does a nice appearance affect? It creates the first impression about a person. Further attitude to a person completely depends on him/her. You can ruin this first impression or make it better. When I was a student I faced prejudice of some teachers against girls, especially pretty ones, but perseverance and really serious knowledge outweighed, and I graduated from the university with honors.
– Relatively recently, the Ministry of Labor of Russia revised the list of professions allowed for women and included sailors, train drivers, heavy truck drivers and a number of other jobs. What do you think about it? Do you agree with the division of professions into male and female?
– Women are by nature physically weaker than men. Moreover, they are physiologically vulnerable, because the impact of some factors has an extremely negative effect on their reproductive health. Therefore, I believe that the ban on hard and dangerous work for women should be maintained. It didn't come out of nowhere. Of course, there are professions both only for men and only for women.
– What about managers? Is this position for men or women?
– In my opinion this is not really a position. This is kind of sum of innate character traits and skills learned that allows you to manage a group of people. This is why management is taught and this is why both men and women can be good managers.
– Do women make decisions faster?
– From my point of view, much depends on the competence of the leader and his level in the hierarchy. The higher the level is, the more factors the leader needs to consider. For example, at my level, I make decisions very quickly, and the shop manager can take a break to think about all the options. If we talk about the psyche as a whole, then women react more quickly, skillfully distribute tasks, think through the details. Under the conditions of normal processes, I would rather bet on a woman leader, but in a crisis, I think a man will cope more effectively: they are bolder, think bigger and are less likely to panic.
– You have a busy work day. Is there time for hobbies?
– Combining a managerial position and caring for a family is not easy, so hobbies go into the background. I have just usual “women’s hobbies”- cooking, more precisely, baking cakes and pastry. I love trying new recipes and serving my loved ones. I especially like to decorate finished products - this is how a small masterpiece is created.
Source: Kommercheskiye Vesti, 09.03.2022
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