Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

14 March 2022

“Evening Omsk”: The Titan Head informed about the ways the company was solving a problem of import substitution

General Director of the AO GC Titan Olga Tarasenko shared the information that the Group of companies has been developing import substitution in its own production for a long time. Last year, the output of isopropyl alcohol used in medicine and many domestic industry branches was launched at the site of the AO “Omsky kauchuk” plant. This made it possible to reduce the share of imported isopropyl alcohol in the Russian market from 50-60% to just over 30%. Almost complete substitution of imported products is expected in the near future.

– Now the company is focusing its efforts on projects related to manufacturing valuable low-tonnage import-substituting products (solvents, plant protection products, pharmaceutical substances) made out of phenol and acetone derivatives. With effective state support such productions can be arranged in a relatively short time," Olga Tarasenko added.

She also explained that the company’s petrochemicals were produced out of Russian feedstock, but foreign equipment, material and components were partly used in the process.

– Currently, various alternatives for arranging supplies and attracting new suppliers are being worked out in the face of sanctions pressure," the Head of Titan explained.

Source: "Evening Omsk", 14.03.2022


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