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4 March 2022

“Delovaya Rossiya”: Mikhail Sutyaginsky became a member of the industry anti-crisis headquarters

The federal operational headquarters for anti-crisis measures for enterprises of the chemical complex of the Russian Federation will work under the leadership of Viktor Ivanov, the president of the Russian Union of Chemists. The staff includes representatives of the largest enterprises, including Coordination Council Member, Chairman of the Chemical Industry Committee of Delovaya Rossiya, Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Titan Group of Companies, Mikhail Sutyansky, who oversees the development of low-tonnage chemistry.

 “Today it is extremely important for the chemical industry to unite to fight economic challenges. The situation is changing every day and affects the industry significantly. Now we need special measures to support both large and small enterprises. We also develop proposals for unfinished investment projects with changed loan rates. Basically, these are import-substituting projects that are so necessary for our country today,” Mikhail Sutyaginsky noted.

Enterprises of the domestic chemical industry can send their proposals and comments to These proposals will be discussed by experts and sent to the subject ministries and authorities.

Source: «Delovaya Rossiya», 04.03.2022


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