Omsky kauchuk

petrochemical production


production of lubricants


mixed feed and meat

Titan Petrochemical products Agro-Industrial products

We create
conditions for growth

Our company is one of the largest
petrochemical companies in Siberia

We provide quality products
for the industry

We implement large-scale
investment projects

We ensure
quality and service

We conduct
multi-stage quality control

We adopt
modern technologies

We manufacture
import-substituting products

We develop
international partnership

We supply products
to 40 countries

We are among three regional
petrochemical exporter

We find individual solutions
for each client

We increase
the personal potential

We create conditions
for professional development

We invest
in industrial safety

Around 4 000 people
are employed

We protect
the environment

We follow
global production standards

We reduce
impact on the environment

We perform over 35 000
air, water, and soil analyses

We participate
in society's life

We support nationwide
and international projects

We organize popular
scientific events

We are leaders
of volunteer movement

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